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Venezuela: Love debt inherited from José Martí

Celebrating José Martí´s 170th birth anniversary in these lands, where he arrived in 142 years ago, recalled historical passages of that umbilical cord that unites us and nourishes us every single day with the very essence that makes them see each other as brotherly peoples.

According to Rubén Rodríguez, advisor of the José Martí Casa de Nuestra América in Caracas, the Cuban National Hero came to Venezuela in 1881 to “look for Simón Bolívar”, and to a country that was pivotal in his military thought through battles fought by the Liberator.

It was not by chance that on January 21, 1881, Martí “without shaking off the dust of the road, did not ask where to eat or sleep, but how to go to Bolivar´s statute” and before it he cried “like a father when a son comes to him”.

Martí founded the Venezolana magazine, so that when he said in his farewell letter to Fausto Teodoro de Aldrey: “Give me Venezuela to serve you, it already has a son in me”, the poet was already a noble son of the Venezuelan homeland, he said.

Martí was one of the teachers of the Bolivar Centennial Generation. He taught José Gil Fortoul, one of the greatest Venezuelan intellectuals, besides being a friend of former President Guillermo Tell Villegas. Plus, he was professor of Lisandro Alvarado, one of the great writers, ethnographer, ethnologist and philologist.


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